Friday, May 28, 2010

Industrial Training In Delhi at DUCC Systems

Hello Friends

DUCC Systems welcomes you to the dedicated training center of DUCC Systems: DUCC Training.
It has been observed by the DUCC community that there is a dearth of professional industrial training in Summer and Winter for Engg., MCA, BCA and MBA students. Students from various computer science disciplines do not get the proper exposure of the live working of a software company.
We being a software company are highly encouraging for students as we have the required background, resources and skills to provide live training to students who are interested in building a futuristic career in IT and computer science.
Our Training Methodology is highly appreciated by students, faculty and parents. All students who have been part of our program are eligible for facing any future responsibilities and challenges.
We encourage all to avail this opportunity and start a highly motivated professional career with the expertise of DUCC Systems training experience.
Our courses for the program are:
JAVA (Core, Advance), J2EE, J2ME, .Net, PHP, Web Designing, C++, C, Marketing and Sales and ERP.
We have also launched the training program on SAP and MOS. It has gathered the maximum response from the professional world.
Our training programs are the most cost effective in the entire NCR region and have been designed keeping in mind the paying capacities of the students.

We invite all to join the revolution in professional training programs and start building a successful career as deserved by YOU.

Check out our web for details.

Thanking You
Amit Chaturvedi

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Industrial Summer Training in .Net, JAVA, PHP, Web Designing

Hello Frnds..

Summer Training becomes a very crucial part of any professional course as the students are exposed to the outer professional world for the first time. Hence, being trained on live projects and environment is very important.

DUCC Systems has started the batches for students of PhP, and .net. JAVA will follow from 10th May. Marketing and Sales is already there with students being accompanied with trainers on live market surveys and sales.

Training in JAVA, .Net, PhP and Web Designing have attracted the largest response from students all over the country.Some students are also interested in C++, and J2ME.
Registration has been extended once again. Students are facing exam dates problems and hence the registration has been extended.

For queries visit our website:
and also contact us directly at: 09953631179, 011-25624491 for details.

Thanks and Regards,
Amit Chaturvedi